Changing The Shape Of Investing


Thank you for visiting the BFlexCurve.
We are excited to present to you, the Investment platform that is literally changing the shape of investing

What is the BFlex Curve™?

The BFlex Curve™ is an Investment platform that takes several time-tested financial tools and repackages them:

First we implemented from institutions and Warren Buffet the strategy of Put options.
Next, we added Covered Call writing a very common tool used by big and small investors.
Finally, we added a tool called Protective Puts used by General Electric and Credit Suisse.

We took all these tools and designed them to work together, in harmony.

Think of the BFlex Curve™ seasoning as something that you sprinkle on top of your investments

How does it work?

The BFlex Curve™ is designed to make bigger profits during the good times.
At the same time, it reduces a catastrophic loss when the markets crash like 9/11.
If the markets go down a little but not a lot, the accounts with the BFlex Curve™ will under perform the markets.

The BFlex Curve™ is changing the shape of Investing.



We are a group of CFP financial advisors who provides advice about managing your money to help you reach your financial goals. Financial Planning: Advisors create comprehensive financial plans that cover various aspects of your life. These plans include budgeting, retirement planning, education savings, and estate planning